Whosoever Will Let Them


Let's declare this a year of personal responsibility, and go forth knowing we are no longer babes in Christ.

Hebrews 5:12-14 and 6:1-2 states that when we ought to be teachers we must be retaught the basic things of Christ again. Uh Oh. That's not good. We must do what is necessary to mature in the things of God for our perfecting and the benefit of the kingdom. We must go forth knowing that God is with us, and is able to give us all that we need to do those things that we are called to do for Him and in our daily lives.  We are called to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, so that we can be a prepared people for a prepared place, Philippians 2:12-15. No longer should we stand still or worst go back to the things of the past that were of little or no value when God has such great things planned for us. If we would just believe and go forth in Him doing those things that we know to be right in His sight, then he can reveal more to us as we go forth and allow us to see a greater portion of His plan for us today.

There are many hindrances to our personal growth that we must let go of if we truly want to claim all that God has set aside just for us.

First, the belief that "I am not qualified" as was seen when Moses was called to go lead Israel out from slavery. Exodus 4:10-12. Moses question was "Who am I?", but it does not matter who we are when God is with us because He has all power in His hand. The question should not be "Who am I", but instead "Who is the God I serve" for there is none greater.  Moses said God should use someone else, Exodus 14:13-16, but God knows what he has placed in each of us and what we are capable of accomplishing with His grace and power.  We must trust God, and go forth believing that all that we need has already been provided to accomplish that which we have been called to do.  The wisdom, provision, and connections that we need to complete a task are already there although we may not see them with our natural eye.  Philippians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me".

The second hindrance to our growth is fear, but "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and a sound mind".  Ester had to face fear when she was called upon to appear before the king without being summoned on behalf of her people, but finally came to a peace to go forth no matter the consequences and declared "if I perish let me perish".  Esther 4:13-14.  Mordecai assured her that God would deliver His people with or without her, but the lost would be her own if she failed to do what she was instructed to do.  Even today, the choice is ours, to do what God tells us to do and be a part of what He is doing, or stand back and watch in fear and doubt, and lose out on our part of the vision.  Our humble cry should be like the songwriter, Bishop Paul S. Morton, "Lord whatever you are doing in this season, please don't do it without me"!!

The third hindrance, is feeling lost and saying, "I don't know what to do". Proverbs 3:6 states that we should acknowledge the Lord in all our ways, and he would direct our path.  We can go forth by starting with the basics and doing those simple things that we already know to do.  Matthews 25:35-36 talks about helping others. Ephesians 4:32 talks of having the right attitude towards others, one of kindness. Luke 14:12-14 talks about helping the needy. Hebrews 10:25 tells us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together (in other words don't skip church).  Finally, we can use those gifts that God has given to us (natural and spiritual) to help in the ministry: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:11-12, Ephesians 4:22-32.

The fourth hindrance to our growth and walk with Christ is being too busy, but we must remember that only what we do for Christ will last.  We must maintain our personal relationship with Christ by continually coming to sit at His feet to hear his instructions and guidance throughout our ministry and life. The things of this world will pass away, but the things of God are for evermore.  The recent disasters show this so clearly as we see the images of homes, vehicles, businesses washed away so quickly like flimsy pieces of paper.  Think of all the energy, time, money, and more importantly lives that have been destroyed in such a brief moment of time, but what joy it is to know that if our hope is in Christ we are building on a strong foundation that will stand forever.

We must constantly reevaluate our walk with Christ, and the things that we are involved with in our daily lives to ensure that we are prioritizing those things that are of most value: our spiritual life, our family, and our health to name a few.  We must be willing to make personal sacrifice and give up those things that are not like Christ, and that keep us from being in his perfect will for our lives.  We must forsake all that is not like Him, and does not bring glory to His name and this is a difficult thing to do sometimes, but if we seek God and not the things of the world everything will work out right. God knows the things that we need and desire, and will provide those things for us if we would just believe Him and go forth in obedience to do those things that he has instructed us to already do. Luke 14:26-33, Luke 12:29-37.

The final hindrance that I will address is the belief that we are too young or too old to work for God.  Sometimes you will hear people say "I'm not ready", "I still want to party and have fun", and on and on it goes.  However, today is the day when we hear God's voice that  we must make a decision to answer His call while there is still time.  Young and old are dying daily, and we do not know how long we have before we will have to make that same final journey, but we do know that we have a choice and an opportunity right now to serve Him.  The old have the wisdom, but the young have the strength to carry out the work that must be done for the glory of God and for the up building of the kingdom.

Let's set aside all those things that keep us from going forth into the promised land, and answer the call to go forth and do greater works.   John 14:12-13.  We are encouraged to do whatever our hands find to do as unto the Lord, and God has promised to prosper us and to allow us to find favor in the sight of those who have the rule over us.  Ecclesiastes 9:10. We must make a decision today to serve God, and to do all that we can in His name, and we will surely see the mighty hand of God move in our lives and on our behalf.  God needs those who will be faithful workers in His kingdom, and it's up to each of us to do our part while we still have time.  Joshua 24:15.

Whosoever will let them... will you?

Words To Stand On...

Philippians 2:12
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Proverbs 3:6
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Colossians 3:23
23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Walk It Out…
Stop and take a moment to meditate on this devotional and more importantly the mighty Word of God. How does this apply to you on today? What are you currently believing God for in your life? What do you need to let go of or stop doing immediately? What do you need to begin doing? Pray and listen. Now step out in faith and go forth in Jesus name!

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