There is freedom in Christ!

     Someone made the comment that people in the church were in bondage a week or so ago in a shop, and for some reason I have thought on it ever since. Wishing this person could know what I know and all those who serve the one true God. There is no greater peace or freedom than in the hands of a loving Father, who knows all and is all! In this walk I began over 14 years ago I have chosen to give up my way, my thoughts, my "rights", money and things, people, offers, religious positions and titles, my style of dress, my time and energy, and on and on I could go. However the amazing thing is this, the more I have given up and released to God the freer I have become, the more peace I have found even in the midst of "the storms of life" that I thought I could not endure and wished would be taken away. No greater freedom and joy have I known than being with God, and yes being a part of a bible believing church with it's rules and expectations are necessary to walk this walk, and that's okay. Nobody stops going to work, sports arenas, clubs, etc. when given a list of the rules and regulations, so why do we expect an easy ride in the church house. Living in fear hanging in the streets, letting others not value your body, running from one broken "relationship" to the next , etc., etc. is true bondage. If you want true freedom and a peace that surpasses all understanding then I challenge you to do this one thing, give up your life and die to self for Christ. You won't regret the choice. Believe me I know!!!  


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