Going through the process!
Whenever there is a renovation going on the building looks a wreck. Things are ripped out and torn down. Signs are posted saying "Please excuse the mess" to placate those easily frustrated or uncomfortable with the changes. Some people speculate what the new building will look like while others might wonder if it will be more functional/useful to the community. The process is usually long, drawn out, tiresome, and demanding on those involved, yet the finished product (if completed by capable hands) far exceeds most expectations. The torn up mess is quickly forgotten as the vision is finally realized. As a believer, you might sometimes go through this same process, and while onlookers might look, gossip, and criticize you for your apparent state of disarray do not worry, doubt, or fear. Just go through the process resting in the capable and caring hands of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. He will beautify the meek. He will do a great work in you and through you if you allow Him to do so. Trust Him. Don't begrudge the process!!