Watch, pray, and listen!
In the midst of all that is going on, we the called of Christ, should not panic or fret. Let us get quiet before our King and listen. Let us prepare ourselves that we might be able to come before His presence without fear. Let us show the love of Christ to those round about us in the midst of diverse trials and suffering, and become more diligent in proclaiming the gospel. We must be more vigilant than ever before. Watch AND pray. All that is happening was already foretold in the Bible. Read AND study. Warnings go out across pulpits continuously through the preached Word. Hear AND obey. God reveals things to those who seek Him, so that current events are not a surprise. Watch AND listen. He will personally show you things to come. Get quiet before the Lord. Pray. Listen. God will always provide an answer. He will always provide a way of escape. Even in death, heaven is our reward. Do not fret as them who have no hope. Our hope is in the Lord!! It's time to awake out of sleep. Having a form of godliness is NOT enough in this day and time! Pray without ceasing!! The alarm has sounded long ago. Hear AND obey!!