Tips Of The Day From The Elder To the Younger Wife

Tips of  the day from the "elder" to the "younger" wife.

1. Get up early BEFORE your kids wake up for quiet time with God and your own personal time. (It makes a difference, and it’s biblical. Check it out).

2. Spend less and save more. Plan meals and write a grocery list. (Leave the family at home when you shop to avoid "extras in the basket"). Consider the ants.

3. Set aside time for yourself too!!!  A drowning person can’t help someone else stay afloat.  Likewise you can’t give your family your best if you don’t take time to refresh and revive your own self. (Even Jesus took time to steal away from the crowds).too!!! A drowning person can't help someone else stay afloat. Likewise you can't give your family your best if you don't take time to refresh and revive your own self. (Even Jesus took time to steal away from the crowds)

4. Love, honor, and respect your husband. Be proud of the role you play as his helpmate and treaure!

5. Train up your children in the Word (even the little ones can praise God and learn simple verses).
4. Love, honor, and respect your husband.  Be proud of the role you play as his helpmate and treasure.

5. Train up your children in the Word (even the little ones can praise God and learn simple verses).

6. Avoid credit and credit cards like the plague! If you can't afford it, then DON'T buy it. Set aside a little money at a time to make the purchase at a later date if it is something you really desire. Wait on God's timing, he just might provide it through someone else for free or you could find it at a discounted price. Let me repeat, DON'T become a slave just leave credit and credit cards alone for your own peace of mind! (Wish we had followed that one when we were younger instead of still dealing with the consequences years later.) 

7. Make your house a home! No matter how big or how small. Decorate it to fit the way your family lives, and what you all love. Celebrate your family and their accomplishments by displaying pictures, awards, and special "art projects" created by the little ones. Take pictures of your children's really special art projects, so you can have the memory of them forever without all the paper buildup. (Even when my husband was in the military, and we had extended stays at a hotel until we were able to get housing I would still add my own touches to make it feel more "homey".) Fill your home with love and compassion, not the latest gadgets!

OK, the #7 is completion, so I think I’m done.   :)

Be blessed my sister,
Sis. Banks

This is dedicated to the couple who called us elderly and said they hang out with us for wisdom. Lol. (You shall remain nameless to protect the guilty, but we still love you!)


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